“Life Saving 15” Tips for Healthy Living!

“Life Saving 15” Tips for Healthy Living!

On our March Autoimmune Coaching & Energy Therapy Support call I shared fifteen points that each of us needs to keep in mind just to keep our basic health. These were reviewed and specified in the recent seven-day intensive Certification program that I attended as...

Best Practices for EFT Practitioners

After you have done your best as an EFT practitioner, tapping away your own or  your client’s issues, here are some specific steps to take that will ensure that the results of your session are as good as they can be. Enjoy this short video. EFT Practitioners ...

N-hanced EFT Tapping for Specific Emotions

Recently I surprised several new clients as I facilitated their individual and group  sessions using N-hanced EFT Tapping, or Neuro Emotional Freedom Technique: a blend of NET and EFT.  They were surprised that I sometimes focused on using specific EFT tapping points...

Fibromyalgia Treatment with Energy Therapy & EFT

What is fibromyalgia, and what treatment brings results? It is a condition that is very painful and affects people in all walks of life. Fibromyalgia syndrome, FMS, is a rheumatic disorder characterized by chronic, achy muscular pain that has no obvious physical cause...

Autoimmune Relief via Clearing Unworthiness Issues

In my opinion, if you are in a human body, you have some aspect of an issue about feeling UNWORTHY.  It may be in your conscious mind.  It may be in your subconscious mind.  It may be in your DNA and it hasn’t come up for you yet because the right environment and...

Love Your Heart

It is imperative that you love your heart through an understanding that the heart so often reflects your emotions and the love, or lack thereof, all around you. If you have problems now with your heart, it is important to ask yourself:  “When did the symptoms...

Clear Resistance to Using the EFT Setup Statement

The EFT setup statement for Classical Gary Craig EFT is: “Even though …,” and you state the problem and feel it, “I deeply and completely accept myself.”  If you have any doubt or resistance to using this statement, then focus on the reluctance and how you feel...

The Heaviest Burdens of Life – Energies of Others

On today’s live Energy Therapy Practitioners’ TAPshop call we will be discussing various ways to use energy therapy & EFT techniques to clear negative energy that comes to us via the dear people around us. Too often we find ourselves walking into a “cloud” of...

EFT as Energy Therapy and Why it Works

Just back from the annual ACEP conference, I participated in four full days of discussion and research reports on why and how energy therapies such as EFT, NET, TFT, TAT, and so many others work. Science has finally caught up with what all of us who have intuitively been...

Anxiety and Panic Solutions

More and more people are suffering from chronic or acute anxiety or panic, (and depression), in our stressful society. Because EFT tapping is so popular and has proven its benefits over and over, people are presenting to EFT and Energy Therapy practitioners for help. The...

EFT and Energy Therapy

Many years ago I was introduced to Energy Therapy via Kinesiology, Color Therapy, Chrystal Therapies, Flower Essences, among other potent healing approaches. I learned ways to heal auto-immune conditions, daily stressors, deep traumas, and other symptoms of the body...
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