




Disclaimer Statement:

The information presented in the products, services, and programs offered by Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services is for educational purposes and is provided as general information and suggestions. As the word “doctor” originally implied, our role is to be “teacher” to support the re-balancing of body-mind-spirit, and together we can move closer to health.

In the information contained in books, e-books, audio recordings, podcasts, video recordings, group and personal coaching programs, health products, certification training program, or in any product, service, or program of Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services, please understand that you will be introduced to several health support disciplines including a variety of modalities in each:

  • Classical Naturopathy, including: Acupuncture, Nutritional Counseling, Sensitivity Testing, Health Coaching, NET/ Neuro Emotional Technique, Body & Face Reading, Homeopathy, Gluten Consulting, among others;
  • Energy Therapy or Energy Psychology including: Meridian Tapping, EFT / Emotional Freedom Techniques, NET/ Neuro Emotional Technique, N-EFT/ Neuro Emotional Freedom Technique, N-hanced EFT, Ask & Receive, Matrix Re-imprinting, among others;
  • Energy Medicine, including: Radiant Circuit Reactivation, Triple Warmer Balancing, Energy Remedies, Applied Kinesiology, Touch for Health, Healing Touch, Reflexology, Reiki, Soul Realignment, Sound & Color Therapy, among others.

For thousands of years many of the natural, non-invasive therapies listed above have been utilized to support cultures world-wide to enhance and support health.  To date, acupuncture, auriculotherapy, energy therapies, energy medicine, energy psychology, meridian tapping, and all modalities dealing with the human body’s meridian energy system have yielded positive results for relieving emotional and physical distress, and appear to have promising physical, mental, and spiritual health benefits. Even though these techniques have been introduced within the discipline of Functional Medicine and are currently being used in some hospitals, treatment clinics, and veterans’ administration locations by individual practitioners, they have yet to be fully researched by the Western academic, medical, and psychological communities, so are still considered “experimental” treatments by some of them.

Classical Naturopathy includes many modalities that support the physical body in its own natural healing process by addressing the root causes of energy, mind, body, spirit imbalances. By participating in any program or by using any product or service created by Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services, you understand that many of the specific modalities listed above could be considered “experimental” by the traditional Western medical and psychological institutions. Also understand that Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services: the author, publisher, practitioner do not know how you will personally respond to any of the modalities included in Classical Naturopathy, Energy Therapies, or Energy Medicine, do not know how long your unique body will take to re-balance, and whether these approaches will help you with a particular problem.

Due to the perceived “experimental nature” of some of the above health support disciplines and their modalities, you agree to assume and accept full responsibility for any and all risks associated with using or participating in any program or service offered by Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services, and using any of the above-mentioned tools as a result of participating in any such program. You understand that your choice to contract with Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services is of your own free will and not subject to any outside pressure, and that by doing so you are agreeing to participate in the utilization of techniques and approaches included within the disciplines of Classical Naturopathy, Energy Therapy, Energy Medicine as introduced and facilitated by Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services.

As a Doctor of Naturopathy, Dr. Anne Merkel does not diagnose. The information contained in and modalities taught and facilitated in all programs and products created and offered by or through Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or psychological disorder, but instead will work with the body’s systems to support balance for health. Classical Naturopathy, Energy Therapy, and Energy Medicine are not considered substitutes for traditional medical or psychological treatment. Reading about or participating in any Classical Naturopathy, Energy Therapy,  and Energy Medicine program and using any information or technique therein on yourself does not replace health care from traditional medical or psychological professionals. You agree to accept the responsibility to consult with your health care provider for any specific medical or psychological problems. In addition, you understand that any information contained in the programs, services, products of Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services is not to be considered a recommendation that you stop seeing any of your traditional health care professionals or stop using prescribed medication, if any, without consulting with your traditional health care professional, even if after participating in a program with Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services  it appears and indicates that such medication or therapy is unnecessary.

With over thirty years of practice results, any stories or testimonials presented via Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services do not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual using any products, services, programs incorporating afore-mentioned disciplines and modalities for any particular issue. While all references to other clients, resources, or products are given in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided via Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services cannot be guaranteed, and the practitioner, author, and publisher accept no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained therein. Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before implementing any protocol or opinion expressed in any product, service, program, before making any health decision.

By continuing to use any product, service, program of Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services, you knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently assume any risks associated with the information or application of the modality included therein, and you agree to release, indemnify, hold harmless and defend the practitioner, author, and publisher, and their respective heirs, agents, consultants, and employees from and against any and all claims which you, or your representatives, may have for any loss, damage, or injury of any kind or nature arising out of or in connection with your use or participation. If any court of law rules that any part of this Disclaimer is invalid, the Disclaimer stands as if those parts were struck out.

By reading this Disclaimer Notice you have been made aware of its content so that you can make decisions with discernment concerning your own utilization of products, services, programs, information offered through Dr. Anne Merkel and The Ariela Group of Wholistic Services.