Emotional Predispositions to Dis-ease

Do you carry an emotional predisposition to chronic symptoms? Might this be triggering additional weakness in your genes to activate?
There are important personality and personal background factors that show up regularly in clients/ patients with chronic disorders, and these symptoms often show up during very stressful times or later in life.
Are you ready to better understand what your body is trying to tell you? And, are you willing to face and clear any emotional stress that might be triggering your body’s complaints?
Whether you are currently suffering or just curious, this call is full of information based on research and experience. Learn more about how your DNA, incubation, birth, and early childhood all contribute to your present and future health, or lack thereof!
This episode includes information found through years of research by Dr. Anne Merkel and others into a variety of disciplines focusing on some key components that might make you susceptible to autoimmune disorders or at least to chronic symptomology in your future. Become more aware of what you can do to stay healthy by listening to this call!
And, if you’d like to go even deeper into learning how to keep your genes clean and strong, you may check out my Functional Epigenetics Health Package after you have tapped away your emotional triggers.