EFT for Autoimmune EFT is a fantastic tool to use with chronic health conditions or autoimmune disease. Usually there is an underlying emotional component in these... May 20, 2020 0 0
The Autoimmune Spectrum In this EFT Radio Episode #8 you will learn more about the Autoimmune Spectrum of multiple conditions that develop over many years and ultimately... March 20, 2019 1 0
EFT Radio – Relief at Last! – Your Life Food for Health EFT Radio #2 – Your “Life Food” is much more than just what you eat… and every aspect of it determines your health. Learn... December 9, 2018 0 0
Healthy Living Details In this post I will follow through with an earlier promise to you where I said I would share the “Healthy Living Tips” that were... September 10, 2015 0 0
Tapping for Pain of Autoimmune So often in the cases of chronic conditions there is pain. In autoimmune disorders the pain may be exacerbated due to a number of influences, and... April 19, 2015 0 0
Autoimmune Relief via Clearing Unworthiness Issues In my opinion, if you are in a human body, you have some aspect of an issue about feeling UNWORTHY. It may be in your conscious mind. It may be... April 4, 2014 4 0
Common Emotional Themes to Clear for Autoimmune Issues When a body starts to attack itself as in autoimmune disorders, there can be many reasons, however, the best place to start is to look at why this... August 5, 2013 0 0