Schedule a Consult to determine how Dr. Anne Merkel’s services can meet your needs.
Are you are ready to experience optimal health, raised attitude, and over-all improved life outcomes? Have you decided to integrate Natural Medicine into your lifestyle?… or health Practice? Would you enjoy having a health advocate to counsel and coach you into a healthier you?
I am Dr. Anne Merkel, and I’m here to serve you in ways that will address the needs of your own body, mind, Spirit, and business as well as that of others you love or may serve. Together we can walk together to clear your path of obstacles in order to create what you most desire in your life or practice.
For thousands of years cultures world-wide have used techniques to balance the energy systems of the body-mind-spirit through acupuncture.
In my practice I utilize a variety of meridian-balancing techniques that support healing on all levels. In addition to practitioner directed point holding and tapping, I teach my clients to access and utilize their own acupuncture points. I also offer two non-needle forms of acupuncture in my office including auriculotherapy.
Let’s talk about what will work best for you and your unique needs. Learn more…
When you own a car you regularly change the oil, use the best fuel for that model, and keep it maintained to perform optimally. So, why not do the same with your body?
Since you were not issued a “Human Body 101 Manual” when you were born, it is necessary to learn as much about your uniqueness and how to best maintain the health of your body as you can.
Genetics provides a basic profile of your make-up, and my Functional Epigenetics Health Package can counsel you on how to best manage your genes and maintain your body’s health and well-being. Let’s personalize a package for you. Learn more…
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The research is proving… that when emotional energy has been cleared a body can re-balance more easily and quickly, medications and supplements are better assimilated and produce the desired results without as many side-effects, therapeutic modalities “hold” better, and people get well.
Functional Medicine Health Practitioners are integrating Energy Medicine modalities into their practices and benefit from earning a Certified Energy Therapy Practitioner credential. Learn more…
If you are looking for personal Energy Medicine support for your body, mind, spirit, you are in the right place! I offer full-service support for you and other clients via the Ariela Group of Wholistic Services, first established in 1985. You can easily choose personalized treatment packages to support emotional healing from trauma, issues causing chronic ailments, blocks to moving forward in your life or career by visiting my other site. Learn more here…